Automated Data Entry
for Enterprise Systems
Eliminate tedious and error-prone work. Integrate quotations, POs, and invoices directly into ERPs.

for Startups

$100K+ in yearly savings with org-wide automations.


How many of your employees manually enter data every day?
What type of emails / attachments do you work with?
Estimated +$66,000 every year by automating 1000 data entries monthly.
Recover $100K+ in missed orders. Stop costly data errors.
Extract orders, RFQs, and more directly to your system. Turn emails, attachments, and uploads into clean + useful JSON, CSVs, and SQL data.
Actionable business intelligence in seconds
Stop clicking through SAP email extensions endlessly.
Unlock 5x faster more effective follow-ups
No more copy-paste mistakes and manufacturing code typos.
Automate at Scale
Infrastructure that handles massive volume
Hands-On Config.
Personalised support throughout system delivery
Integrate once, never touch it again
Streamline and digitalize processes across procurement and production

Capture lost revenue from customer inquiries
Forecast production and inventory using emails parsed through Nex API.
Email . API . Analytics .

Speed up procurement by auto-updating ERPs
Rapidly update inventory, follow-up actions, and more, with Integrations.
PDF . RFQ . PO . ERP .

Reduce data discovery cost across attachments
Bulk analyse PDFs, Docs, Excels, CSVs, Images, etc. in Nex Console.

Drive greater efficiency with data automation
Build internal enterprise tools with structured data from Nex API.
Custom . Vision . AI .

Ready To Work With Us?
1. Mutually align on business objectives
Our team of deployed engineers and operations managers work with you to identify + streamline bottlenecks.
Building your internal ERP?
Automating as you scale?
Optimizing an old system?
2. Map and streamline operational processes
Cross-departmental interviews are coupled with flow-charting and sequence diagrams to get to the root cause of inefficiencies.
3. Technical implementation with architects & engineers
Get credentials, customizations, documentation, production deployments, and more.
Crazy fast when needed. Consistent and reliable always.
GET CUSTOM DEMOTalk to Data Experts Today.
We power solutions for obsessive teams. Talk to us to learn how AI can streamline your operations. 100% FOC.

Get Acquainted With Our Solutions
Want to learn more? Contact us.
We provide integrated data solutions across modalities and source channels. An example is an automated extraction-to-entry pipeline that transforms incoming data from emails and attachments into structured data, which is then sent directly to an ERP system.